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Содес Констракшн / U.S. Polo магазиный

There are 2 U.S polo Stores we have built in Metropolis and Evropolis Shopping Malls . Their construction period is 20 days and they were opened in a short time.

Содес Констракшн / Lacoste магазины

There are 2 Lacoste Stores that we have built in Kievskaya and Gum Shopping Malls.

Содес Констракшн / Cacharel магазины

There is 1 Cacharel Store that we have built in Evropolis Shopping Mall.

Содес Констракшн / Снежная Коралева магазины

There are 4 Snejnaya Karaleva Stores in Kievskaya Shopping Mall, Cherepovets, Ufa and Peterburg Cities.

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